Monday, March 2, 2009

DRESSES (zp not allowed)

I wasn't going to talk about dresses too much on here because Zach follows this thing too, but I'll ask him to not pay attention to dress talk. I can't imagine it'll be too difficult, not like i'm talking about HAM.

So. I umm loved every single dress I tried on. Annnd, wouldn't you know, my favorite dress was The Most expensive, at a whopping $3,190. Sooo that's awesome. Scouring those sale racks! Come onnn Running of the Brides!

Anyway I only know the exact style numbers of my top 2 - can't find the others, but it's ok. Here are the links to my favorites:

#1 - Jim Hjelm Style No. 8763 - you must click on "More Views" to get a better look at it. I wasn't really expecting to love all the lace but ummm I did. The train is just beautiful. The sash they put on me was not exactly like the one in the picture - they tied me in the back and the front had a bit of bling - yay sparkles!

#2 - Sarah Danielle Style No. 5523
- Style 5523 should be the one right in the middle, but if you don't see it, just type in 5523 in the style search box and it should come up. I love how the buttons go all the way down the back!

The others I tried on were all nice too. One of them was a champagne color, kind of pinkish, with a v-neck - it was alright, I thought it was too low-cut. The other one was strapless, similar shape to #2 above, but the back was really neat. Unfortunately I don't have the dress vocabularryyy to describe these two dresses very well... If I come across them or anything similar I will show you.

Ultimately, I was pleased to find out I Can get away with a mermaid/trumpet sort of style (see dress #2), but there are a number of different styles I feel good in sooo hopefully if I do Running of the Brides or just keep an eye on the used market, I will find something I like for le cheap.

Sooo the next Running of the Bride's event is in Rockville (near White Flint Metro), on April 3. Who's with me?? I'm thinking maybe for this first one, I won't want to camp out and get rill crazy with it, but maybe wait until 1 or 2pm when maybe the craze has died down a Little. I'd work a half day and then head up. If anyone wants to join me, let me knowww-oh-oh! There's another one in July at Friendship Heights, which is still far from most of you buut a shorter metro ride anyway. That one I'd consider going rill early and going crazay - especially if I don't have a dress by then, I might be a little more desperate!


  1. I like the first dress, it is stunning. Is there a way to hitch up the train so you can dance?

  2. I really liked the 1st dress too. You are lucky because you are tall so wedding dresses will look better on you. Ashleigh, my colleague from B-CC, is going to running of the dresses I thiiiink...

  3. I wish that there was a way to show your blog-followers how you looked in those dresses! I'm not being a doting mother to say that you looked WAY better in those dresses than the models did! Absolutely stunning, as MOG said. :)

    If I'm remembering the same dress that you're talking about (with the neat back), it had an empire waist trimmed with ribbon and a flat, straight bow (no tails) in the center front, and was fitted down to the knee area, mermaid style. The back (I think) had a similar bow just under the bum (technical term, dontcha know), from which fell knife-pleats to make the demi-train. It was lovely.

    I am SRSLY hoping to be gainfully employed by April 3 (OBVIOUSLY), but if my schedj permits, it might be fun to watch the frenzy... you know, from a safe distance... in an armored car... with backup.

    OH and MOG? I don't think you'll have to worry about the bride finding a way to dance! LOL.

  4. haha thanks Mom. I think your description of the "neat back" dress is pretty accurate, if I knew what knife pleats means haha.. But also I don't think there was a bow in front, the bow was on the Sarah Danielle one - the neat back one had a really simple front, which is why I didn't love it as much - it was just I think some rouching to an empire waist and then plain to the floor? I dunno! doesn't reallyyy matter.

    oh yes and no worries on the dancing haha. I would bustle it with staples if I had to.. ;)

  5. I like the 2nd dress better! :)

  6. yeah it was actually really hard for me to rank them.. I loved them both for different reasons!
